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Diamond Service to the Core

Paragon Drilling Supplies aims to be the supplier of choice for the renewable energy, sonic drilling, coring, mining exploration, caisson & micropile construction and horizontal industries, through our delivery of "best in class" equipment and drilling supplies.

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Parasonic Casing & Core Recovery Tools

All of our casing and rod tool joints are built from CrMo and 4300 HT midbody material and assembled with Inertia Weld Process.

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Reverse Circulation

Paragon Drilling Supplies offers innovative solutions to suit your specific reverse circulation drilling needs.

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Micropile Casing & Tooling

Our micropile casing and drill rods are built from the highest quality steel and manufactured for reliability as well as quality.

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Large Diameter Tooling

We supply premium built product, with Cr Mo 25 forged tool joints and ST52 mid-body design, to operate with your oscillator and / or large caisson drills. We stand behind the best quality products, with a cost-effective price point.  We are proud to partner with HEMCO to supply drilling and construction tools and accessories.

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These products have been filling in the voids where exploration, water well and the geotech industries have failed to 


We'll be attending MINExpo this year in Las Vegas, Nevada, September 24-26! Make sure to stop by booth #666 and check out out latest innovative solutions for your mining projects!

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